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Safety DB

The world's most comprehensive database of vulnerable and malicious Python packages.

Our Cybersecurity Intelligence Team manually analyzes thousands of potential Python vulnerabilities, resulting in a Vulnerability database that goes far beyond public CVE data.

We track signals in public source control data and leverage ML analysis of changelogs to find unknown and undisclosed vulnerabilities.
Learn more about our vulnerability research

Comprehensive, Actionable
Security Intelligence for Open Source Projects

Safety’s comprehensive Vulnerability Database enables teams to harness the power of Open Source with the trust that their projects are secure.

Eliminate vulnerability fatigue and focus on the findings that matter.

The Safety Vulnerability Database delivers clear, actionable findings to developers and DevSecOps, pinpointing the most critical issues within the context of their projects.

Safety Platform - Findings
Safety Platform - Findings
Broader Coverage, Greater Accuracy

Industry-Leading Vulnerability Data

Safety manually reviews and verifies all CVEs for accuracy. By tracking signals and changes in public data across loading packages, we provide deeper insights on more vulnerable and malicious packages than any other provider to ensure trust and confidence in vulnerability data.

Research and Discovery of Attack Vectors

Cybersecurity Intelligence Team

Safety's full-time team of cybersecurity researchers dedicated to researching vulnerabilities and malicious packages. Our team has a track record of discovering novel vulnerabilities, often before package maintainers.

Our team of cybersecurity experts is available to all Enterprise customers to provide guidance, input and research on software supply chain security.

Safety Platform - Findings
Signal vs. Noise

CVSS is no longer enough.

Assessing risk based on severity data alone results in security noise, vulnerability fatigue, and distraction from the findings that truly matter.

Our Vulnerability Database extends beyond CVE severity data to include Reachability, Package Health and Exploitability.

This context reduces noise and enables teams to prioritize critical findings and eliminate vulnerability noise by up to 90%.

Safety Platform - Findings
Safety Platform - Findings
Key Benefits

Protection Against Malicious Packages:

Besides protecting against vulnerabilities, our comprehensive database extends to malicious packages. Through the efforts of our Cybersecurity Intelligence team and Safety Package Gateway, we prevent the installation of such packages, guarding developers against novel attack vectors like Typosquatting.


dependencies are monitored by Safety using our ML-powered Data Engine. Customers are protected from new security vulnerabilities and malicious packages in minutes.


The number of unique vulnerabilities currently tracked in Safety VulnDB.

Loading... of these were added by our Cybersecurity Intelligence Team in the last 90 days alone.


Malicious packages.

Typosquatting and other novel attack vectors are on the rise.  Safety customers are protected from


The percentage of vulnerabilities that have detailed severity scores, with package version recommendations, and more.

Safety Vulnerability Database

Safety's Vulnerability Database offers comprehensive security intelligence and actionable insights for open-source development teams, enabling them to confidently harness the power of open-source software while ensuring project security.

Eliminate vulnerability fatigue and focus on the findings that matter.

Safety VulnDB protects developers from the broadest array of vulnerable and malicious packages.

By shifting left and integrating security into the earliest stages of development, Safety ensures project security throughout the entire Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC), from development machines to CI/CD pipelines and production environments.

Testimonial logo

We are an Enterprise SaaS platform that provides yield management and ERP-like tools for podcast publishers. Our yield prediction makes heavy use of data-science toolsets.

We transitioned from the free Snyk scanning to Safety because of the recommendation of one of our lead developers. And we have loved it.

We needed to significantly scale up our security readiness and Safety is now a key part of how we scan our libraries for vulnerabilities. But what I most love is the reporting on licensing issues as this is an easy-to-overlook risk to any cloud-based business. And we love how easily we can integrate Safety it into our github workflows.

Sean Howard

Reduce vulnerability noise by 90%.
Get a demo today to learn more.