
Understanding the Security Vulnerability in the llama-cpp-python Package

June 3, 2024
4 min
As businesses increasingly rely on machine learning and artificial intelligence to drive innovation and efficiency, securing these technologies becomes paramount. Recently, a critical security vulnerability was discovered in the llama-cpp-python package, which could have significant implications for systems using this library. This article aims to provide a thorough understanding of the vulnerability, its potential impacts, and how to mitigate the risks associated with it.


As businesses increasingly rely on machine learning and artificial intelligence to drive innovation and efficiency, securing these technologies becomes paramount. Recently, a critical security vulnerability was discovered in the llama-cpp-python package, which could have significant implications for systems using this library. This article aims to provide a thorough understanding of the vulnerability, its potential impacts, and how to mitigate the risks associated with it.

The Vulnerability in Detail

The security vulnerability in the llama-cpp-python library centers around the Llama class, which is responsible for loading and running machine learning models. The specific issue lies within the `init` constructor of the Llama class, which parses a chat template from model metadata using an unsandboxed jinja2 environment. This allows for server-side template injection (SSTI), potentially leading to remote code execution (RCE).

Technical Breakdown

The vulnerability arises because the Llama class’s `init` constructor loads the chat template from a `.gguf` file's metadata and passes it to `llama_chat_format.Jinja2ChatFormatter.to_chat_handler()` for further processing. The issue is that the `Jinja2ChatFormatter` uses an unsandboxed jinja2 environment to parse and render the chat template. This lack of sandboxing means that malicious templates can execute arbitrary code on the host system.

By exploiting this vulnerability, an attacker can inject malicious code into the chat template, which will be executed by the jinja2 engine during rendering, leading to RCE.

Potential Impact

The potential impact of this vulnerability is severe, with a CVSS score of 9.6 and an EPSS score of 0.04%. Attackers who can manipulate the chat template loaded by the vulnerable `llama-cpp-python` library could execute arbitrary code on the affected system. This can lead to full system compromise, data breaches, and other malicious activities.

Importantly, there is currently no public proof-of-concept for this vulnerability, nor is there any evidence of it being exploited in the wild. However, the theoretical risk remains high, especially for systems that process untrusted input.

Mitigation Strategies

Scanning for Vulnerable Versions and Patching

The most effective way to mitigate this vulnerability is to apply the latest patch released by the maintainers of the `llama-cpp-python` package. Ensure that you are running a version of the package that includes the fix for this issue. 

To check if you are using a vulnerabile version of the `llama-cpp-python` package, run a safety scan on your project. 

Reviewing Untrusted Templates

If updating the package is not immediately possible, review any untrusted chat templates loaded by the library. Avoid using templates from unverified sources or those that could have been tampered with.

Restricting Network Access

As an additional precaution, restrict network access to systems running vulnerable versions of the `llama-cpp-python` library. This can help prevent potential attackers from exploiting the vulnerability remotely.


The discovery of this vulnerability highlights the importance of rigorous security practices in the development and deployment of machine learning models. By understanding the risks and implementing the recommended mitigation strategies, organizations can protect themselves against potential attacks.

For more detailed information and to stay updated on the latest security advisories, please visit our package page for llama-cpp-python.

About Safety CLI Cybersecurity Inc.

Safety CLI Cybersecurity Inc., based in Vancouver, BC, is at the forefront of securing software supply chains. Through our innovative Python dependency vulnerability scanner, Safety CLI, we provide unparalleled protection against vulnerabilities in open-source software. Our solutions are designed to integrate seamlessly across all stages of software development, offering real-time, actionable security intelligence that empowers developers to innovate with confidence.

As the landscape of software security continues to evolve, Safety remains committed to leading the charge in secure software development, ensuring that open-source innovation remains a safe and productive endeavour. For more information on how Safety CLI can help safeguard your projects, visit our website.

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